

These are popular religious programmes which give the audience an opportunity to listen to gospel music.  Most of the songs are those that are selected by listeners from the "Tupatayo Programme".  Our research has shown that if one walks the streets, or visits homes in Dar es Salaam around 2.00 to 3.00 p.m. and 5.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m., quite often one hears Radio Tumaini gospel music broadcasts.  The same is the case in daladala (city buses) and taxis.  Invariably then, while being intertained, our listeners also get an opportunity to listen to religious messages and hence get strengthened spiritually.


Muziki  na  Nyimbo  za Dini Programme

The listeners are given an opportunity to listen and contemplate the messages in the gospel music.  Muziki na Nyimbo za Dini programme is a companion of Tupatayo programme, in  which listeners are asked to analyse the gospel songs and pick out the key messages for sharing with other listeners, through monitored telephones in our studio.


Tupatayo Programme Programme

Tupatayo programme broadcasts religious songs/hymns, and gives our listeners an opportunity to share touching life experiences through telephone calls monitored in our studio; thereby witnessing Jesus christ and enhancing evangelization.  Through this programme, our listeners are assisted to realize that their lives are not only of this world, but are also eternal.  It lets them realise the presence of God as a supernatural power that is above all the human power, and hence are led to confession and penance.


Need Statement

While music may be intertaining, most often, listeners look out for messages contained in such music.  In sending out pertinent messages through carefully selected songs with the respective messages as well as inviting listeners to share their true life experiences with other listner.  We would dwish to improve and expand this programme, resources permitting.



The main objective of thes programmes is to facilitate the participation of as many people as possible analysing religious songs and contemplating the messages contained therein, as well as learning from other people's true life experiences in the christian life.



Radio Tumaini has a fairly stocked library in which there are large collections of audio cassettes and CDs from various groups.  Various choirs from all over Tanzania are invited to bring their recorded cassettes or CDs to our studio.  To ensure that songs from such CDs and cassettes are played, we request listeners to select them in whatever order they like for playing.  If it turns out that listeners request songs, whose copies are not available in the studio, then we request the respective choirs/groups to avail copies to us.


We plan to improve this programme by building a recording studio that will enable Radio Tumaini to record quality music from various choirs.  In fact, this has been and long-time request of many choirs, whose songs are played often by our redio.



Radio Tumaini has some equipments for recording like Audio Cassettes recorders, mixers and professional dubbing machines for production.  However, recording studio requires more than just some recording machines.  So that we need financial assistance that will enable us build a recording hall/Studio with all the basic requirements for quality music recording. This is why we look to our friends to join our hands by contributing for the improvement of our programmes.


Duration Programmes on Radio Tumaini

Programmes on Radio Tumain normally planned annually, except for special occassional programmes which may call for adjusting the programme plans as necessary.  The radio is on air 24 hours daily throughout the year, save for seldom technical problems.



Evaluation of Radio Tumaini Radio programmes is an often exercise, involving all staff members and a cross-section of listener.  Such evaluation involving outsiders is undertaken once annually.  This provides an opportunity for outsiders to give opinions, advice and suggestions on our programmes.  Nonetheless, throughout the year, the radio receives opinions/suggestion from listeners which are acted upon accordingly by our staff.  Internal evaluations are also undertaken weekly and monthly.  So that throughout the year, our programmes are subjected to evaluation of one form or the other.



Our Radio station also broadcasts "live" and recorded masses from various parishes of the Archdiocese of Dar es Salaam.  Many other  religious programmes, reqular and ad hoc are also broadcast, including:-

*   Fikara;

*   Uhai wa Injili,

*   Imarisha Imani yako;

*   Zingatia;

*   Ijue Biblia; and

*   Yesu ni Bwana;