Text Box: Saidia na Sikiliza Redio Tumaini








(a)Backgroung Information


This is another popular programme that offers an opportunity to listeners to air their views "live" on pertinent topical issues.  The programme takes off with the announcer introducing the topic for the day, after which the listeners are invited to telephone the studio and present their views.  Since the telephones are monitored in the studio, whoever has tuned in, is able to follow the discussion.  The objective of the programme is to facilitate the participation of as many people as possible in discussing topical issues.  In effect, we are able to harness important views/opinions on matters that impact on the people and the nation at large.  Important solutions have also been obtained in this way.


(b)            Need Statement

Harnessing opinions of different sections of society in addressing topical issues is an important way of broadering the participatory process in society.  In this way, a sense of belonging and involvement in community affairs is promoted.  There is therefore need to sustain the programme and improve it accordingly.


(c) Objectives

The main objectives of the programme include the following:-


*   Provide an opportunity to members of the society to share ideas and various perspectives on topical issues of the society;

*   Provide a safety-net to members of the society, both adults and the youth to vent out their feelings, in the process send out appropriate signals on how various issues impact on the different sections of society.

*   Provide an opportunity for the government and other authorities get a feel of the society's response to various measures and policies advanced by them.

*   Provide an opportunity for learning from others.


(d)            Action  Plan

Currently, the program is on air from 3.30 pm to 5.00 p.m.  We pick an important theme that we believe will be of interest to our listeners.  After some introductory remarks on the subject, we invite our listeners to phone-in for their views which are broadcast live sometimes, a few people, selected appropriately are invited in the studio to discuss the topic for live broadcasts to our listeners.  In some situations a combination of both means is used.  So that, while we h ave some people in the studio, others phone-in to contribute to the discussion or ask questions.  All these approaches have proven to be very effective.  We therefore intend to sustain them and make the requisite improvements as appropriate.





Notwithstanding the popularity and usefulness of the programme, efforts to sustain it and make the requisite improvements are constrained by financial resources.  Radio Tumaini requires urgent assistance in this respect.


(f)  Duration Programmes on Radio Tumaini

Programmes on Radio Tumain normally planned annually, except for special occassional programmes which may call for adjusting the programme plans as necessary.  The radio is on air 24 hours daily throughout the year, save for seldom technical problems.


(g) Evaluation

Evaluation of Radio Tumaini Radio programmes is an often exercise, involving all staff members and a cross-section of listener.  Such evaluation involving outsiders is undertaken once annually.  This provides an opportunity for outsiders to give opinions, advice and suggestions on our programmes.  Nonetheless, throughout the year, the radio receives opinions/suggestion from listeners which are acted upon accordingly by our staff.  Internal evaluations are also undertaken weekly and monthly.  So that throughout the year, our programmes are subjected to evaluation of one form or the other.